Urogenital and transsexual surgery
There are numerous operations for removal of certain urogenital congenital deformities or non-functionalities and many insecurities can be eliminated through them.... see more
Hair transplantation
Hair loss is a common aesthetic problem of modern man with whom, sooner or later, every encounter. The factors which influence the process are numerous and differ substantially in the male and female population.... see more
Obesity treatment
The BioEnterics Intragastric Balloon (BIB) System is a way of non-operative, non-pharmacological obesity treatment. It is designed for temporary use for weight loss in moderately and very obese patients, in whom the obesity represents a huge risk for health, and who could not manage to regulate body mass in any other way.... see more
Skin tumors surgery
There is a large number of skin changes, out of which some are congenital, and some are acquired. Some are completely harmless, while some are to be monitored and removed if necessary.... see more
Hand surgery
The hand represents a special body part which has a function of an utmost importance. Every functional defect disturbs everyday life and numerous tasks that we perform thanks to our hands.... see more